Our Policies
Australian Patriots is a support platform of resources for selected INDEPENDENT candidates in Australia’s FEDERAL, STATE and Local Government elections.
Our key purpose is to align a superteam of completely independent candidates under the team name ‘Australian Patriots’. This name at first sight identifies the team as being people who love their country, are loyal and protective of it. Being patriotic is a powerful way to identify with other people who love and wish to protect Australia.
We stress that we do not apply any influence over the team except that we require them to uphold our primary promises disclosed on this website and to not act in any way that will damage the reputation or branding of the team.
We have an agreement that licenses team members for the use of the Australian Patriots brand, advertising templates, alignments with other patriots and our logo. These are all typical of this type of structure. If any licensee breaches their agreement we simply cancel their rights to remain in the association, and, in politics there will always be someone who sneaks into the group just to create fracturing.
We also provide creative and advertising services. It is not unlike having a team of the best football players and forming them into a single national team. They remain independent and loyal to the teams’ goals.
They are independent with a strong commitment to the voters who elected them. They will respond to local issues and work hard to improve things that require attention.
Our 3 stated points Freedom, Justice and Democracy are best explained as follows.
The right to freedom of opinion is the right to hold opinions without interference, and cannot be subject to any exception or restriction.
The right to freedom of expression extends to any medium, including written and oral communications, the media, public protest, broadcasting, artistic works and commercial advertising. Source www.ag.gov.au
When Justice is compromised by politically appointed Judges, the potential is created for a serious conflict of interests to infect our courts of law. This occurs when politically appointed Judges are presiding over political cases that conflict with both their own and their appointors political objectives. It can be even worse when a jury have their own wide range of political beliefs that will infect that Jury to apply their own prejudice in a court when judging an offender. Justice is also compromised by media spin and trial exposure that prejudices a juror to hold a preconceived view of guilt against someone in a court.
Court cases with political substance should be heard by Judges who are not politically appointed.
Cases that will have an effect on all citizens, such as native title land claims can not have any other fair solution but to be put to a REFERENDUM of the people.
The simplest definition of Democracy is ‘Rule by the people’. This is easily achieved by having regular referendums for ALL laws that will affect ALL the people. Minority groups must not be given judgements or legislation benefits that outweigh their percentage of population. For example, 6 Judges in the High Court do not have the right to grant title to land or any other issue that affects Australia’s 26 million citizens. 10 members of a Governments management caucus face exactly the same problem, They do not have the rights to act independently of the wishes people who voted for them.
In contrast…
Communism is a political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society or country. Communism is thus a form of socialism —a higher and more advanced form. The New World Order is based upon communism.
Australia is a party to seven core international human rights treaties. The right to freedom of opinion and expression is contained in articles 19 and 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
In contrast to the above, the current Government of Australia is the Labor party which is seeking to place legislation into Australia that criminalizes free speech that might be critical of the prevailing Government. Without free speech we have no discourse or exposure of Government treason or other breaches of our democratic system. Freedom of speech is an essential factor that creates awareness and criticism that flows into the public domain and triggers assessment by the people. This is another reason for more REFERENDUMS. The Labor Government at August 2024 are playing with legislation that carries outrageous penalties for having an opinion. It suggests they want to prevent discussion on future Government policies – what do they want to hide??